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Blog: Blog2
  • 作家相片佟嶽祁Inori

Commission Notice 【委託須知】


Kindly read this before having commission!


About Commission 【關於委託】

Check out my portfolio:

Both original and anime character are acceptable.

The final artwork will be posted in my social media site

I will put my watermark on it Please inform me if you can't accept this Thanks for your cooperation!

To commission please contact me through any of the social media below: Facebook:



委託的圖將會放置於社交網站上, 皆會打上水印,若不能接受請記得提前告知。

感謝您的配合! 若有意要委託請致下列社交媒體或電子郵箱聯絡我: Facebook:


Precautions 【注意事項】

  1. Commercial use are not allowed without permission. 禁止未經同意進行商業用途。

  2. Re-processing of the final artwork are not allowed without permission. 禁止未經同意進行完稿的二次加工。

  3. Do not claim it as your own work. 禁止稱之為自己的作品。

  4. Both GL BL BG are acceptable. R-18 are not available for now. GL,BL,BG 皆可接受。 暫時不接R-18委託

  5. Urgent request are not accepted 不接急件一般作畫時間為一週,視精緻度而進行變動。

  6. Processing time will be around 1 week,varies according to the delicate of the artwork. 一般作畫時間為一週,視精緻度而進行變動。

  7. Please provide your OC's settings for your commission,it's better if have a picture of your OC,but detail word description are also acceptable. 請附上原創角的設定,有圖片設定為佳,但詳細的文字敘述也是可以接受的。

  8. If you don't have any OC or character settings we can have discussion for that. 若是沒有任何角色設定我們可以進行討論。

  9. Kindly check out my portfolio before requesting. 請先參考我的作品集再決定是否委託。

  10. Commission for commercial use and personal use have different price,kindly contact me to know more about the prices if you want to use it as commercial use. 商業用途與個人用途價格有所差別,若是想要將委託稿使用於商業用途請聯繫我。

  11. Mainly female characters, I am a little not good on drawing male characters 以女性角色為主,個人不太擅長畫男性角色。

  12. The painter retains copyright, please indicate the painter when posting it on any of the social media. 繪者保有著作權,公開發布請註明繪師。

  13. Finished artwork will be sent as png and psd format after paying full payment through email. 在收到完整款項後將會以png和psd格式用郵件發送給委託人。

  14. Please inform me if you don't want the process and the finished artwork(will put on watermarks) to be uploaded on any social media. 若是不願意作畫過程以及完稿作品(會加上浮水印)被公開在社交媒體請先通知我。

  15. If any changes please tell me after looking at the draft,changes can be only done at draft session.Changes can be made up to 3 times,if exceeded will be charged. 若有任何地方需要修改請與看過草稿後提出,只能在草稿階段進行修改。修改次數上限為3次,若超過將加價。

  16. The confirmation of draft will be two times,it will be line and color distribution.Any changes after draft confirming will be charged. 草稿階段的確認將會進行2次,分別是線與顏色分配。確認後的任何更改將會加價。

  17. The difficulty, delicacy, and number of characters will cause price changes. 作品的難易度、精緻度以及角色人數將會導致價格變動。

Commission Process【委託過程】


  1. Payment procedure: After paying half payment I will start drafting,After confirming have to pay the remaining money.After that,I will send the final artwork as Png and Psd format by Email 付款流程:在付一半款項後我將會開始畫草稿,確認草稿沒問題後將會要求付剩餘的款項。收取了全款後,完稿將以png和psd格式用電郵發送給委託人。

  2. Payment method: ✣Malaysia: ATM , Bank Transfer ✣Oversea Country: Paypal [Paypal transaction fee require self-pay ] 付款方式: ✣馬來西亞:ATM , 銀行轉帳 ✣海外:Paypal [Paypal 交易費需自付 ] Paypal transaction fee calculation: Paypal交易費計算: 馬幣MYR : 3.9%+RM2 Overseas: 4.4% + $0.30 USD

Before confirming draft you must pay half of the payment,there is no refund if the final artwork are not satisfied

Comission Type 【委託類型】

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